The security features alone are well worth it
It’s a deterrent against quick thief. I first got the vibe 100 as a sling which is my go to daily. It gets heavy if you fully load it hence it’s best used half full, when i need more space like carrying kids epi pen, i will use the venture X which is super versatile to use, i also have a vibe 150 and 325 which i bought together with this Vibe 28L, yet to be used. I also bought a travel safe 5L (surprisingly big and quite enough to fit the whole family gears which requires securing).
I can already picture using the 150 wearing it inside and cover by a jacket if i want to travel light and look slim, the 325 for meeting clients with my surface pro or iPad with keyboard case (neither with case will fit the tablet pocket though). The 28L will get a test run in about a month’s time as a one bag travel for the first time and to show my wife what is possible with one bag (she is yet to be convinced to travel light with only one backpack as she always travel with checked luggage’s, those full size 4 wheels luggage)…
As for the specs, the vibe 28L only have exomesh at the front and bottom of the bag, nothing on the side or top nor the back, guess it was meant to prevent cut and slash thief, not as a mean to completely prevent thief if you leave your bag unattended for long. In Australia the price difference between this Vibe 28L and 40L was like only $20 but i chose the 28L over the 40L mostly due to the laptop compartment being better positioned against the back instead of where…